Sales and Marketing Information

Below you'll find further details on the sales and marketing plan for your show, including information on what marketing assets we require, how we will promote your show via social media, what email marketing and print support is available, and how you can help us. We're delighted to be working with you!

If your question is not answered below, please get in touch with us on the details listed at the bottom of this page.


Sales Reports

You will receive a sales report to this email address as standard every Monday morning. 

If you do not receive a sales report on the first Monday after general sale for your show, please email to request a sales report set-up. 

Please include the name of your show in the subject line. 


Website Listings

All shows will be listed on our website in accordance with our agreed go-live timings. If you are unsure when your show is going on sale, please email your POC at The Fire Station. In addition we will submit listings to third-party websites. 

Where possible we would like to run a venue pre-sale for our previous ticket holders and email subscribers to maximise day of sale revenue. Please confirm with your point of contact if you do not wish to go ahead with a venue pre-sale. 





If you have pre-approved assets we must use to market the show – including imagery, video, logos, wording, bios or a summary of the performance – please send these to via WeTransfer. 

In order to generate the listing on our website we must have at least one high-res image of the artist – EXAMPLES HERE

If you have a logo that should be used as part of marketing for this performance please send a high-res version within the WeTransfer link. 

If you have specific guidelines that must be followed for use of assets relating to this performance or wider tour, please send them via the WeTransfer link. 


Video Content For Social Media

Please provide at least two video assets for use on social media – this can be a trailer for the show, live clips or a music video. 

For video we require the raw files – e.g. mp4 – which will then be uploaded privately to our YouTube channel. 

In addition, please send us links to any relevant content already hosted on your YouTube channel. 

We would like to utilise a bespoke selfie-style video of the artist on social media – a draft script is listed below, but we encourage artists to be creative and add their own style and personality to the video: 

“Sunderland! I’m bringing my show [name of show] to The Fire Station on [date]. [Summary of show]. Tickets are now on sale, I’d love to see you there.”


Please send this via WeTransfer to



Flyers, Posters and Brochures

When supplying print material, please send the following sizes and quantities: 

A5 flyers (max 1000)

To be distributed locally (costs apply) and within the venue including exit-flyering

A3 posters (max 30)

To be distributed locally and displayed within high-trafficked areas of the building

A0 poster (max 2)

To be displayed in The Fire Station entrance lobby 

All print material should be sent FAO Marketing to The Fire Station, High Street West, Sunderland SR1 3HA. Flyers can be distributed door-to-door locally at an additional cost.

Prior to printing, please send all proofs to for approval. 

Please note we do not have space for a PVC banner in the venue. 

All shows are featured in our printed What’s On guide, of which 3.5k are printed and distributed throughout Sunderland and within our venue. We do not currently support direct mail outside of our What’s On guide. 

Social Media Schedule

All shows at The Fire Station receive social media support across our combined social media audience of over 30k followers – this is done as standard and does not need to be requested. 

Content is typically posted across all accounts – Instagram, Facebook and X – however this may depend on the nature of the marketing assets we have received for this show. 

Social media promotion is aligned to key milestones in the sales schedule: 

  • Day of agreed announcement
  • Day of pre-sale [if applicable]
  • Day of on-sale 
  • Day 14 of on-sale
  • Day 30 of on-sale
  • Day 45 of on-sale
  • 14 days before show date
  • 7 days before show date
  • 3 days before show date
  • Day of show - last minute ticket drive
  • Day of show – live content from the show
  • Post-show – promotion of any fan photography or video captured during the show

Your show may also be featured in social media content relating to our wider program.

If you wish to send content for use on social media this is most welcome – please follow sizes and dimensions listed here and email assets to 

Tagging and Cross Promotion On Social Media

The artist and/or promoter will be tagged in all content – we need your help to promote the show, so please reshare this content to the artist’s feed or Story.

In addition to the above, we are happy to reshare any content you create to promote this show. 

For Instagram, please make us a collaborator on posts – we will then accept the request. 

For all other social media activity, please tag @FireStationSun in the content and we will reshare this to our feed.

Facebook Events

We will create a Facebook Event as standard for this show and make the artist a co-host. Please accept the invitation to co-host the event. 



Facebook and Instagram

Meta (Facebook and Instagram) advertising can be arranged with our paid marketing partner. Please note there is an administration fee of 20% of total campaign spend per campaign set-up plus any agreed advertising costs – this will be charged on settlement. 

If you would like us to manage advertising through the artist’s Facebook account you will need to provide us access.

To give Fire Station access, go to 

Enter 1062723124537657 (our business ID) in the box under 'People' and click assign people. 

Please then email with a summary of available budgets and a creative brief. 

Print and Radio

Sunderland Echo is our local newspaper with the largest circulation. The Northern Echo also serves our catchment area.

Nation Radio - North East is the largest radio station serving the people of Sunderland.  

Local music and arts magazines include The Crack, NARC and NE Volume. 



Email Marketing Schedule 

Your show will be promoted through our next New On Sale email as well as our What’s On email during the month of the show. Both emails will be sent to our full database. 

In addition, your show may be included in post-event emails for similar artists performing at The Fire Station, as well as genre round-ups. 

Ticket holders will receive a pre-show email up to 10 days before the show with arrival information and show times. Ticket holders will also receive a post-event email thanking them for attending the show. 

SOLOS emails for individual performances can be discussed – fees apply.  



PR and Press Accreditation

We occasionally receive review and interview requests from local media. Please let us know by emailing if the artist does not wish to allow press or photographers into the performance.  

All interview requests will be sent to the agreed email point of contact for this show. 

If you are using your own PR team for the promotion of this show please send their details to so that we can coordinate local outreach. 


Photography Passes

All photo passes must be requested through so that photographers can be briefed on our safeguarding policy and permitted access within our venue. Passes will be approved by our Sales and Marketing Director ahead of the show - photo pass requests must be done at least 24 hours prior to the show.  



Offers For Corporate Partners

We are happy to discuss closed group offers with our corporate partners.




For Anything Else

Please email all further marketing requests to

Individual contacts can be found below should you have a specific query:

Andrew Dipper, Marketing and Sales Director:

Corin McEwan, CRM & Ticket Office Manager:

Dan Robinson, Marketing & Sales Coordinator: